益露莓 illuminate - 參考國際期刊研究彙整
益生菌 Probiotics 相關文獻
Barthow, C., et al., The Probiotics in Pregnancy Study (PiP Study): rationale and design of a double-blind randomised controlled trial to improve maternal health during pregnancy and prevent infant eczema and allergy. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2016. 16(1): p. 133.
Bertuccini, L., et al., Effects of Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus acidophilus on bacterial vaginal pathogens. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol, 2017. 30(2): p. 163-167.
De Alberti, D., et al., Lactobacilli vaginal colonisation after oral consumption of Respecta((R)) complex: a randomised controlled pilot study. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2015. 292(4): p. 861-7.
Del Popolo, G. and F. Nelli, Recurrent bacterial symptomatic cystitis: A pilot study on a new natural option for treatment. Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2018. 90(2): p. 101-103.
Jang, S.E., et al., Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 and Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14 Attenuate Gardnerella vaginalis-Infected Bacterial Vaginosis in Mice. Nutrients, 2017. 9(6).
Lucia Bertuccini, R.R., Francesca Iosi, Fabiana Superti, Lactobacilli and lactoferrin: Biotherapeutic effects for vaginal health. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018. 45: p. 86-94.
Prescott, S.L., et al., Supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus or Bifidobacterium lactis probiotics in pregnancy increases cord blood interferon-gamma and breast milk transforming growth factor-beta and immunoglobin A detection. Clin Exp Allergy, 2008. 38(10): p. 1606-14.
Russo, R., A. Edu, and F. De Seta, Study on the effects of an oral lactobacilli and lactoferrin complex in women with intermediate vaginal microbiota. Arch Gynecol Obstet, 2018. 298(1): p. 139-145.
Russo, R., E. Karadja, and F. De Seta, Evidence-based mixture containing Lactobacillus strains and lactoferrin to prevent recurrent bacterial vaginosis: a double blind, placebo controlled, randomised clinical trial. Benef Microbes, 2019. 10(1): p. 19-26.
Russo, R., et al., Randomised clinical trial in women with Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis: Efficacy of probiotics and lactoferrin as maintenance treatment. Mycoses, 2019. 62(4): p. 328-335.
Slykerman, R.F., et al., Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 in Pregnancy on Postpartum Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety: A Randomised Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial. EBioMedicine, 2017. 24: p. 159-165.
Wickens, K.L., et al., Early pregnancy probiotic supplementation with Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 may reduce the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus: a randomised controlled trial. Br J Nutr, 2017. 117(6): p. 804-813.
甘露糖 D-Mannose 相關文獻
D Porru, A.P., C Tinelli, D Barletta, D Choussos, C Di Franco, V Bobbi, S Bassi, O Miller, B Gardella, RE Nappi, A Spinillo, B Rovereto, Oral D-mannose in recurrent urinary tract infections in women: a pilot study. Journal of Clinical Urology, 2014. 7(3): p. 208-213.
Del Popolo, G. and F. Nelli, Recurrent bacterial symptomatic cystitis: A pilot study on a new natural option for treatment. Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2018. 90(2): p. 101-103.
Domenici, L., et al., D-mannose: a promising support for acute urinary tract infections in women. A pilot study. EurRev Med Pharmacol Sci, 2016. 20(13): p. 2920-5.
Efros, M., et al., Novel concentrated cranberry liquid blend, UTI-STAT with Proantinox, might help prevent recurrent urinary tract infections in women. Urology, 2010. 76(4): p. 841-5.
Genovese, C., et al., Effects of a new combination of plant extracts plus d-mannose for the management of uncomplicated recurrent urinary tract infections. J Chemother, 2018. 30(2): p. 107-114.
Kranjcec, B., D. Papes, and S. Altarac, D-mannose powder for prophylaxis of recurrent urinary tract infections in women: a randomized clinical trial. World J Urol, 2014. 32(1): p. 79-84.
Lenger, S.M., et al., D-mannose vs other agents for recurrent urinary tract infection prevention in adult women: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 2020.
Marchiori, D. and P.P. Zanello, Efficacy of N-acetylcysteine, D-mannose and Morinda citrifolia to Treat Recurrent Cystitis in Breast Cancer Survivals. In Vivo, 2017. 31(5): p. 931-936.
Palleschi, G., et al., Prospective study to compare antibiosis versus the association of N-acetylcysteine, D-mannose and Morinda citrifolia fruit extract in preventing urinary tract infections in patients submitted to urodynamic investigation. Arch Ital Urol Androl, 2017. 89(1): p. 45-50.
Phe, V., et al., Open label feasibility study evaluating D-mannose combined with home-based monitoring of suspected urinary tract infections in patients with multiple sclerosis. Neurourol Urodyn, 2017. 36(7): p. 1770-1775.
Salinas-Casado, J., et al., Large study (283 women) on the effectiveness of Manosar(R): 2 g of d-mannose + 140 mg of proanthocyanidins (PAC), of prolonged release. Arch Esp Urol, 2020. 73(6): p. 491-498.
Salinas-Casado, J., et al., [Efficacy and safety of D-mannose (2 g), 24h prolonged release, associated with Proanthocyanidin (PAC), versus isolate PAC, in the management of a series of women with recurrent urinary infections.]. Arch Esp Urol, 2018. 71(2): p. 169-177.
V, D.E.L., et al., [Evaluation of the effects of a natural dietary supplement with cranberry, Noxamicina(R) and D-mannose in recurrent urinary infections in perimenopausal women]. Minerva Ginecol, 2017. 69(4): p. 336-341.
Vicariotto, F., Effectiveness of an association of a cranberry dry extract, D-mannose, and the two microorganisms Lactobacillus plantarum LP01 and Lactobacillus paracasei LPC09 in women affected by cystitis: a pilot study. J ClinGastroenterol, 2014. 48 Suppl 1: p. S96-101.
蔓越莓 Cranberry 相關文獻
Fu, Z., et al., Cranberry Reduces the Risk of Urinary Tract Infection Recurrence in Otherwise Healthy Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Nutr, 2017. 147(12): p. 2282-2288.
Genovese, C., et al., Effects of a new combination of plant extracts plus d-mannose for the management of uncomplicated recurrent urinary tract infections. J Chemother, 2018. 30(2): p. 107-114.
Hamilton, K., et al., Standardized cranberry capsules for radiation cystitis in prostate cancer patients in New Zealand: a randomized double blinded, placebo controlled pilot study. Support Care Cancer, 2015. 23(1): p. 95-102.
Howell, A., et al., Comparison of the Anti-Adhesion Activity of Three Different Cranberry Extracts on UropathogenicP-fimbriated Escherichia coli: a Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo Controlled, Ex Vivo, Acute Study. Nat Prod Commun, 2015. 10(7): p. 1215-8.
Howell, A.B., et al., Dosage effect on uropathogenic Escherichia coli anti-adhesion activity in urine following consumption of cranberry powder standardized for proanthocyanidin content: a multicentric randomized double blind study. BMC Infect Dis, 2010. 10: p. 94.
Ledda, A., et al., Highly standardized cranberry extract supplementation (Anthocran(R)) as prophylaxis in young healthy subjects with recurrent urinary tract infections. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 2017. 21(2): p. 389-393.
Luis, A., F. Domingues, and L. Pereira, Can Cranberries Contribute to Reduce the Incidence of Urinary Tract Infections? A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis of Clinical Trials. J Urol, 2017. 198(3): p. 614-621.
Occhipinti, A., A. Germano, and M.E. Maffei, Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection with Oximacro, A Cranberry Extract with a High Content of A-Type Proanthocyanidins: A Pre-Clinical Double-Blind Controlled Study. Urol J, 2016. 13(2): p. 2640-9.
Rafsanjany, N., et al., In Vivo Consumption of Cranberry Exerts ex Vivo Antiadhesive Activity against FimH-Dominated Uropathogenic Escherichia coli: A Combined in Vivo, ex Vivo, and in Vitro Study of an Extract from Vaccinium macrocarpon. J Agric Food Chem, 2015. 63(40): p. 8804-18.
Salinas-Casado, J., et al., [Efficacy and safety of D-mannose (2 g), 24h prolonged release, associated with Proanthocyanidin (PAC), versus isolate PAC, in the management of a series of women with recurrent urinary infections.]. Arch Esp Urol, 2018. 71(2): p. 169-177.
Singh, I., L.K. Gautam, and I.R. Kaur, Effect of oral cranberry extract (standardized proanthocyanidin-A) in patients with recurrent UTI by pathogenic E. coli: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical research study. Int Urol Nephrol, 2016. 48(9): p. 1379-86.
Takahashi, S., et al., A randomized clinical trial to evaluate the preventive effect of cranberry juice (UR65) for patients with recurrent urinary tract infection. J Infect Chemother, 2013. 19(1): p. 112-7.
Tempera, G., et al., Inhibitory activity of cranberry extract on the bacterial adhesiveness in the urine of women: an ex-vivo study. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol, 2010. 23(2): p. 611-8.
Vostalova, J., et al., Are High Proanthocyanidins Key to Cranberry Efficacy in the Prevention of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection? Phytother Res, 2015. 29(10): p. 1559-67.
Wang, C.H., et al., Cranberry-containing products for prevention of urinary tract infections in susceptible populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Arch Intern Med, 2012. 172(13): p. 988-96.